ASOS SUPPLY tufted minimal abstract rug

ASOS SUPPLY tufted minimal abstract rug


£24.00 £42.00
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Living + Gifts by ASOS SUPPLY

  • Rug by ASOS SUPPLY, A little something for your floor, Bonus: covers up any accidental spillages, too, Rectangular style, Abstract design. Prepare your fingers for some serious scrolling, because our living range ASOS SUPPLY has arrived. Inspired by seasonal trends, our London-based design team have been busy creating collections packed with innovative pieces for your home, which are as individual as you. So, whether youre a minimalist or a curator of colour, theres something for everyone including decorative hanging planters, kitchen and bathroom bits and cosy throws to customise your favourite spaces. Look out for recycled glassware and BCI cotton products, too.

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